We are all caught up in the fairytales and believe in the happily ever after. There is no ever after is something that we realise outside the fairytale. Nothing is perfect, it is always subjective. Yet we breathe, we hope and we move on seeking that perfect life. Let’s accept it. We have to choose ourselves every single day. We come across a problem, deal with it, let it go, release the emotions and move on in life and call it the new beginning. If you sit back and review your life, there have been so many new beginnings for you, some that stayed with you for a longer period of time, some that were there only for a brief period. But the start of every phase was a new beginning.
Even in school, if you remember, the month before school started was all exciting. New friends, new books, new school stuff and the sense of pride to upgrade your standard. But, towards the end of the same academic year, we would wait for the year to finish, for the final exams to get over. We would be done with this and waiting for the next new beginning.
How we wish life would also give us a standard plan to go through the same set of problems, so we wouldn’t judge each other’s problems and would all sail in the same boat, uplifting each other in times of difficulty. We would push each other and ourselves towards a new beginning.
Now, look back at life, and realise all the events you had and you moved forward from there. Now, imagine all those events that happened in your life, but you couldn’t let them go, it’s like falling in the same standard but unless you do not complete the syllabus you will not be promoted. If you feel there are things you must release, let go, because now they are decaying, affecting other areas of your life, it’s time for your new beginning. Get help. Help others to realise they need help. Suggest therapy. There may not be a happily ever after in general, but the issue that has surfaced can be resolved completely and your excitement will be restored for a NEW BEGINNING!